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DeepBassMusic pres. Calculon (San Diego, US)

18. März 2017 I 23:00 - 19. März 2017 I 6:00

You know Calculon. His gargantuan beats have been destroying dancefloors for a decade, pushing the envelope at jungle, footwork and Drum & Bass parties around the globe. His tracks are rinsed on regular basis by dance music dons like Rockwell, Om Unit, Toddla T and Digital, while his labels Rubik and Shoot Recordings are continually on the cutting edge of uptempo sounds.

Shit, he’s rocked from Tokyo to Fabric in London, but who is Calculon really? How did this handsome California lad become such a motherfucking behemoth of bassmusic murder? Why do A-list producers like Chrissy Murderbot, Sinistarr and Pawn line up to work with dude? And where in the hell is he taking dancefloors next? Let’s be straight: you may think you know Calculon, but you haven’t seen nothing yet!

When it comes to Tübingen Calculon knows his ways around as he used to study there back in the good 1990 days. Maybe you even know him in person, but you can barely remember that notorious drinking battle in 1999? Come round and find out on March 18th at Schlachthaus Tübingen.

Soundman support by
+ tbd

Finest visuals by the foudroyant grafix chopper PPLC


18. März 2017 I 23:00
19. März 2017 I 6:00


Schlachthausstr. 9
Tübingen, 72074 Deutschland
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